
The role of Economic Development for the Township of Coleman involves generating prosperous conditions for economic growth and enhancing the well-being of the community. Economic Development will focus on improving the current conditions that exist throughout the municipality in an effort to create a more sustainable year-round economy.

The Township of Coleman values the voices of all residents and by using our Official Plan and Zoning By-Law we are able to achieve social. Environmental and economic objectives. We seek to find a balance of interests within the community by coordinating the development of land and ensuring the Ontario Building Code is properly enforced.

The Province of Ontario has the final authority over many municipal planning activities, most notably through the Ministerial approval of Official Plans and Ontario Municipal Board decisions on appeals of zoning and subdivision decisions. Municipal staff provides guidance to property owners, developers and council to ensure that all the proper guidelines in the Planning act are followed.

The Municipal Staff will review all development proposals and processes various Planning Applications under the Municipal Official Plan and the Ontario Planning Act. 

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