Fire Permits

Fire Burning Guidelines No open-air burning permits will be issued during July, and August. Fire Permits are required for open air burning from April 1 to June 30 and from September 1 to October 31.

  • The amount to be burned shall not exceed one (1) pile (approximately 3 meters square)
  • The permittee shall have at the location of the fire two (2) persons, one being an adult (18/ years old) and firefighting equipment in serviceable conditions: two (2) shovels, a hose, a pail and a water source. 
  • The permit is not valid between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. 

Get a Fire Permit To get a fire permit, please contact our Municipal Office or by email at:

Coleman Township
937907 Marsh Bay Rd.
Coleman Township, ON P0J 1C0
Email Us: [email protected]

Recreational Fires you do not need a fire permit to burn from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. o'clock in the evening during the months of April through to October. 

  • Recreational fires (including those within steel or cast-iron fire boxes) smaller than 0.6 meters and used for entertainment purposes.
  • Stay with your fire, you must take all necessary steps to tend the fire, keep in under control, and extinguish of before leaving the site. 
  • The minimum clearance for setting a fire must be three (5) meters from buildings and combustibles. 

No Person shall set any fire or fireworks for any reason when is a Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and/or Township of Coleman fire ban in place.  

Fire Ban When a ban is issued, all open-air burning is prohibited, including fires that don't require permits.  Watch the news and notices for burning ban updates.  Find current Restricted Fire Zones in Ontario's Fire Region 


Safe Burning Information

Choose a Safe Time Any fire is more likely to get out of control on a hot, dry, or windy day. Only burn during the coolest and calmest time of the day.  Don't even consider burning when it is windy. 

Keep Your Fire Small Only burn what you can effectively control.

Choose a Safe Site The fire site must be at least five meters (16.4 feet) from any building or other combustibles. 

Stay With Your Fire If you start a fire outdoors, you must take all necessary steps to tend the fire, keep it under control, and extinguish it before leaving the site.   A responsible person (18 years of age older) must be present to supervise the fire at all times.  You must have adequate tools and water to control the fire it is begins to spread. 

Burnings Materials You may only burn dry woody type materials. You may not burn grass or leaves (unless approved by the Chief Fire Official or his or her designate for rural areas only). Household garbage, petroleum products, plastics, rubber or anything that will cause excessive smoke. 

Respect Your Neighbour Don't burn where smoke will bother your neighbour or blow across roadways and hamper visibility. 

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